Friday, December 26, 2008

Hong Kong Food Phase I

I have been in HK since Thursday afternoon and I haven't done that much eating out. However, two places are worth noting.

A couple of nights ago, some family friends took us to Tung Choi (Ladies Market).
It was a lot of fun to see all of the stuff for sale to random tourists and locals alike. I didn't buy anything but I will probably go back for souvenirs.

Afterwards, we went for dinner at the Temple Street night market.,_Hong_Kong
We went to the Spicy Crab place on the corner and sat outside with the locals and ate what was basically glorified "street meat". It was fun, fast, tasty and cheap. We ate for around HKD$85 per person (less than CAD$15). Admittedly, this type of eating is not for the faint of heart or squeamish tourist. But if you like cheap Chinese food and authentic experiences, this is a hit.

This afternoon, a friend from high school took me to Isola at IFC mall. It was lovely.
We just had coffee (I had hot chocolate) and sat and caught up on the last 15 years. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable, it was surprisingly quite considering how busy it was, the service was great and our foam came with pretty designs (hearts and spiderwebs). There is even an outside seating area but we decided not to bother with it because it was a little muggy and overcast today. I will definitely go back there again.

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